Construction companies in Georgia Country


Georgia is a country that has made significant progress in the field of architecture in recent years. Hence, the country has become home to a top group. Geo Holding has a portfolio of construction companies in Georgia that specialize in design, implementation, and innovation. These construction companies include construction projects, electrical systems, water infrastructure, and more. All these construction companies in Georgia seek to cover people who are looking for suitable investment opportunities. Also, knowing these companies can provide a better view to people interested in joining them. Let’s get to know construction companies in Georgia:

Geo Build: Construction with excellent materials

One of the construction companies in Georgia is Geo Build, which is involved in the wholesale and retail sale of construction materials, including structural materials, finishing, insulation, roofing, plumbing, electricity, doors, windows, hardware, and fasteners. This company specializes in the production of materials for all stages of construction.

Geo Builders: Building reality from perspectives

Geo Builders is one of the construction companies in Georgia. This construction company specializes in designing, building, and maintaining buildings and other structures. Besides, this company provides infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and facilities. Indeed, this company can turn visions and dreams into reality in the field of construction.

Geo Electrics: Powering electrical systems

The design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment for the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity is the service of Geo Electrics, one of the construction companies in Georgia. Further, this company is an expert in controlling and using electricity in buildings, industrial plants, and other facilities.

Geo Water: Assurance in water infrastructure

Geo Water’s focus is on the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure and equipment needed to manage water resources. This company is one of the construction companies in Georgia and plays an important role in several fields such as water treatment, distribution, irrigation, and also sewage treatment.

Geo-Marine: Excellence in marine projects

Moreover, another construction company in Georgia is Geo-Marine, which provides comprehensive solutions for the marine industry. Also, the company offers a wide range of services tailored to the needs of customers in sectors such as shipping, marine energy, marine engineering, seaport design, operation, and related services. Other services such as vessel charter, logistics management, maritime support, maritime consultancy, and port operations are in the scope of GEO Marine’s activities.

Geo Lighting: Lighting spaces with a special solution

This leading lighting company, which is among construction companies in Georgia, specializes in lighting spaces with creative lighting solutions. GEO Lighting offers a diverse range of lighting products and services that combine aesthetic appeal, energy efficiency, and advanced technology.

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